How to be a top tenant

Date Published 29 January 2024

House sharing is a good solution to finding your independence at more affordable levels. But if the idea conjures up memories of your student days when the sink was always full or you couldn't sleep because of a house party, then think again. Things have moved on.

Have a cleaning strategy
There are some awesome properties available to rent and to make the most of them, it's best to keep them clean. Whether you live with family or your partner, you will need to clean, even if you use a professional cleaning company or hire a cleaner. Taking turns or using a roster will help everything fall into place if some housemates are not proactive.

Remember your headphones
Parties or other social events should be discussed; the chances are you will be joining the celebrations. But for those times when you need to blast out some tunes, maybe late at night after a hard day's work, your headphones will help keep the peace. When planning forthcoming social events or times when you may be planning a special meal or gathering, it's always best to give plenty of notice.

Talk about finances
It's always best to split bills evenly. By agreeing to this in advance, you reduce the potential for any arguments. If you are saving to rent or buy your own place or are planning on moving in with your partner, this will help you save more quickly. Communication is the key to being a good housemate. If you know where the boundaries are, then it's easier to live within them.

Be nice
If you find yourself living with a good bunch of people, a few kind gestures, go a long way. It is all about keeping everyone happy, and living with people who are upset or who become moody due to tensions in the home is not healthy and will increase your stress levels. Respecting each other's space, knocking before you enter, and generally being courteous will encourage the household to feel happier, which should result in more fun.

Remember the little things
From setting the thermostat, and taking out the bins, to using the washing machine, a flexible approach is the right way to go. Compromise is also key to preventing any fallout or tension. And with all the little things taken care of, you will find that they should not become bigger problems. The same goes for the maintenance of the property. If you use a letting agent, maintenance issues can be taken care of for you.

Get your own place
House sharing is a cost-effective solution to enjoying a great place to live. You can benefit from companionship, fun, and the safety that comes in numbers if the alternative is living alone. However, if house sharing is not for you, a fully managed property will mean you will have a dedicated maintenance team, which promises to improve your renting experience. From finding great homes to obtaining references and protecting your deposit, the entire process can be fast and straightforward with the right letting agent.